BaseCamp - Explanation
Bringing the United Nations Home...

In San Francisco in 1945, amidst the end days of World War II,
a fragile expeditionary force set out to climb to the pinnacles of
their expectations. While bombs continued to burst in the air,
there was hope that humanity could rise above the clouds and
smoke to a new height of understanding. To accomplish this, it
would require strangers from diverse cultures to hold hands and
scale the jagged mindsets set in stone. On October 24, 1945,
the BaseCamp for this dream was established in New York,
thereafter named the
United Nations.

Today in Seattle, hope is alive. Can the original dream of the
United Nations Charter bring together our national and local

BaseCamp Solstice is a guide service into the vast world of
intriguing expeditions. But with a twist... BaseCamp Solstice is
an interactive educational series of prototype programs
principled on the UN Charter yet applied at the local,
neighborhood level.

BaseCamp Solstice creates the foundation to:
Bring the UN home.
BaseCamp -

A BaseCamp provides
the core support and
resources for an

Solstice -

A solstice is the actual
point of transition from
one direction of
movement to another.

United Nations
Charter -

DETERMINED... save succeeding
generations from the
scourge of war, which
twice in our lifetime has
brought untold sorrow
to mankind, and to
reaffirm faith in
fundamental human
rights... More