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On The Horizon
On The Horizon
On The Horizon
On The Horizon
Can you Imagine:
Working alongside the Russians as they transform their country by creating an
exemplary Monetary System for the World which integrates humanitarian and social
parameters into its value.
Cancelled - Counter influences too domineering.
Can you Imagine:
In the Spirit of Warren Magnuson, converting the Park he helped create into a
People's Park, segmented by neighborhood and schools to work within a set of
guidelines to actively create prototype landscaping which goes beyond the limits of
their imagination. Collaborations with 'non-profit' organizations eg the NW Flower &
Garden Show, Audubon Society, City Repair...would create permanent exhibts.
Cancelled - Too late to the scene, special interests entrenched.
Can you Imagine:
Using the est $200B cost for war to fund an exchange program, thus empowering the
creative energy of the Iraqi people, already one of the most advanced countries in the
Middle East. Iraqi citizens would trade weaponry and other instruments of violence for
Economic/Social Start-up partnerships with already effective NGOs
Cancelled - US invaded; US Ambassador to UN blocked further actions.
Can you Imagine:
The amazingly popular, enthusiastic and creative humanitarian and social based ideas
of the World Social Forum (from Porto Alegre) making its debut in the US in the most
progressive part of the country? Viewed as an opportune moment to present BaseCamp
Solstice workshops.
Cancelled - Event not held due to in-house disputes of organizers.
Can you Imagine:
Providing the platform by which ancient Native concepts can be prototyped in all
aspects of City life - Park Management, Education, Dispute, Elders, Neighborhood Art,
Public Names, Global Networking (Tech based), Sustainability Designs... Brings
awareness of Native cultures to the Peoples of Seattle. Initially presented to the
Duwamish, the tribe of Chief Seattle, who lost their federal tribal recognition in 2001.
On Hold - Lack of interest; objectives clashed.