The Summit
The Range
On The Horizon
Trail Logs
Silver & Gold
Expeditions are the treks which offer unique perspectives through
the mountains. The Expedition is the means by which we journey
from BaseCamp to BaseCamp to Summit, ie what initially appears only
On The Horizon.

These are the various educational, fully-participatory workshops
facilitated by BaseCamp Solstice which take an in-depth look into an

The Trek Route Indicates the vast number of possibilities, as well
as the importance of the journey itself.

Specifically, Expeditions or Workshops seek to use a range of
techniques to identify what is at the core of an issue and then use
the Provisions or Guiding Principles to determine alternative

Some of the Expeditions or Workshops already developed are listed.
- Bringing the UN Home
- Defining Corporate Values
- A Day in the Life of...
- Back to Basics
- Where is the Wisdom
- Can You Imagine
- Undiscovered Gems
- Identifying Outliers

The ideal setting for such Expeditions or Workshops is in a Forum
setting as described by the partner website:

A sampling of the resulting change in viewpoints can be seen at the
partner website:
---> www,

What are Expeditions